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Contract vehicles

Our extensive contract management and support focus allows TES to assist with a broad range of systems, services, and solutions for government and the private sector.

We are registered with multiple contract vehicles, enabling our government clients to quickly and easily access our products and services.

Scroll below for more details on:

  • B2S2 – Better Buying Support Services
  • AMCOM Express
  • S3 – Strategic Services Sourcing Contract
  • Software and Systems Engineering Services Next Generation (SSES NexGen)
  • Hardware Open System Technologies (HOST) Conformance Tool
  • Battlefield Systems (BSES)
  • Software Life Cycle Development (SLCD)
  • Hardware in the Loop (HWIL) Aviation Systems
  • Vertical Lift Consortium (VLC)

B2S2 – Better Buying Support Services

The B2S2 contract vehicle supports the Army’s Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) under its Better Buying Support Services (B2S2) multiple award IDIQ contract vehicle. The B2S2 vehicle will provide SETA-type services to the PEO and its PMs.


SEA-PORT-E provides engineering, technical, programmatic, and professional support services to Department of Navy Sea Systems Command organizations spanning 21 functional areas under an Agency IDIQ.

AMCOM Express

AMCOM Express is a blanket purchase agreement (BPA) program based on the use of GSA federal supply schedules for acquiring advisory and assistance services (including all supervision, labor, incidental materials, and travel). These services may take the form of information, advice, opinions, alternatives, analyses, evaluations, recommendations, training, and technical and management support. AMCOM Express’s sponsor is the U. S. Army Contracting Command, Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) under an Agency IDIQ.

S3 - Strategic Services Sourcing Contract

The S3 contract vehicle accommodates a broad range of services that are designed to meet the integrated engineering, business function, and logistic service needs of all Team C4ISR customers. The purpose of the S3 contract is to provide access to multiple prime contractors and subcontractors that perform a broad range of life cycle services required to fulfill varied user needs within the framework of a competitive post award environment. S3 is sponsored by CECOM as an Agency IDIQ.

Software and Systems Engineering Services Next Generation (SSES NexGen)

The SSES NexGen program supports Army systems and software across the entire lifecycle, from development to fielding and operational support. The contract concentrates on providing software-related support in three primary mission areas involving in-theater U.S. forces, business systems, and enterprise-wide components. SSES NexGen is sponsored by CECOM as an Agency IDIQ.

Hardware Open System Technologies (HOST) Conformance Tool

The HOST program is comprised of three phases. HOST defines interfaces to hardware such that interoperability and reprocess of hardware components can be recognized while addressing obsolescence. The contract concentrates on developing a tool to support and automate the verification of hardware conformance. The HOST program is sponsored by NAVAIR as an Agency IDIQ.

Battlefield Systems (BSES)

The BSES program focuses on providing support to new technologies and providing systems and computer engineering resource services to SED; the Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC); and the Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (USA RDECOM). Contract efforts emphasize on delivering research, development, and engineering technology services for aviation and missile platforms across the lifecycle. BSES is offered on behalf of the U.S. Army Software Engineering Directorate and awarded under OASIS as an Agency IDIQ.

Software Life Cycle Development (SLCD)

The SLCD support will span the entire life cycle of systems for which S3I has responsibility. Life cycle support is defined as the activity necessary to define concepts, define requirements, plan, manage, develop, sustain, modify, improve, test, train, field, and retire systems and system computer resources in a time frame necessary to meet customer needs. Awarded under OASIS as an IDIQ by the Research Development and Engineering Command (DOD Army – AMC).

Hardware in the Loop (HWIL) Aviation Systems

The purpose of the HWIL Aviation Systems is to provide full life cycle support for high fidelity aviation system simulators, HWIL capabilities, and associated test tools. Using these capabilities, and in collaboration with Joint Service agencies, Other Government Agencies (OGAs), and industry, rapidly enable cost effective solutions that facilitate readiness and technological dominance of the U.S. Army’s current and future force. Awarded under OASIS as an IDIQ by the CCDC AvMC and S31 Directorate.

Vertical Lift Consortium (VLC)

The VLC is a collaboration of conventional and unconventional government contractors working with the U.S. government to develop and transition innovative vertical lift technologies to meet the increasing needs of warfighters. Utilizing the VLC Other Transaction Agreement (OTA), allows for multi-level industry collaboration toward speedy execution. Under the VLC OTA, the government, in conjunction with VLC and its non-government members, performs a research and development program designed to create prototype aviation technologies.

CAGE & NAICS Classifications

CAGE code: 1KNK1

TES-i is registered under the following NAICS categories:

541330: Engineering Services
211120: Crude Petroleum Extraction
211130: Natural Gas Extraction
213111: Drilling Oil and Gas Wells
213112: Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
213113: Support Activities for Coal Mining
213114: Support Activities for Metal Mining
213115: Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining
221112: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
334290: Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing
334511: Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System/Instrument Manufacturing


334513: Instruments and Related Products Manufacturing for Measuring, Displaying, and Controlling Industrial Process Variables
334515: Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals
334519: Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing
335312: Motor and Generator Manufacturing
336411: Aircraft Manufacturing
336412: Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
336413: Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
336419: Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
336992: Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing
541511: Custom Computer Programming Services
541512: Computer Systems Design Services
541519: Other Computer Related Services
541712: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
541990: All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
611512: Aviation and Flight Training


For more information or general questions regarding contracting opportunities with TES, contact us today.
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