TES-i Exhibiting at MOSA Summit

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January 26, 2022 – TES has increased our internal prototyping capabilities and turnaround times by adding two new CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines to our machine shop.  Our Tormach 1100MX multi-axis mill with an automatic tool changer provides repeatable precision machining of complex shapes, above and beyond our traditional milling machines, while our Tormach 8L lathe allows us to automate the machining of smaller cylindrical objects with higher precision than before.  Additionally, we’ve added a media blast cabinet and parts cleaners to reduce our time to finish our prototype parts.  Internally we have been using these machines for low quantity parts used in our test stands, and we continue to add capabilities to decrease design and initial production timelines.  Externally TES utilizes our quality-approved machine shops, and finishing centers to provide LRIP and production capabilities.

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